NT Things

Olive Press

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These items are olive and wine presses.

Roman Soldier

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A picture of a statue of a Roman soldier.

Corinthian Erastus Inscription

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This inscription contains the name of Erastus (RASTVS) which was the name of a Christian official in Corinth. This stone was found in Corinth and many believe that this is the man mentioned in the Bible. Scriptures: Romans 16:23 and Acts 19:22 and 2Tim 4:20.

Corinthian Greek Inscribed Stone

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This stone contains the name of Corinth and is located in the city of Corinth in Greek. It has a Greek inscription.


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A Millstone. Scriptures: Matt 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2.


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Artemis, goddess of the Ephesians in Acts chapter 19.

Moses' Seat

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Jesus talked of the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law (Scribes) sitting in "Moses' Seat". Moses' Seat was representative of religious authority. Some synagogues literally had a chair called "Moses' Seat" where the leader sat. This is an example of such a seat. Scripture: Exodus 18:13, Matt 23:2

Pilate Inscription

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This is a replica of the stone discovered with the inscription noting Pontius Pilate (Pontvs Pilatvs). This inscription is extra-biblical evidence of the existence of this important New Testament person. Scripture: Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 3:1, Luke 13:1, Luke 23, John 18, John 19, Acts 3:13, Acts 4:27, Acts 13:28, 1Tim 6:13

White Tomb

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Jesus said that the hypocritical Pharisees were like whitewashed tombs which were beautiful on the outside but full of dead men's bones on the inside. Scripture: Matthew 23:27

Ancient Baptistry (2)

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These early Christian baptistries are shaped like a cross. These baptistries are located in Avdat, and Mamshit/Mampsis in the Negev and likely built in the Byzantine era 250-600AD. The Arabs conquered the area around 636AD. Scriptures: Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, Romans 6:3-5, 1 Peter 3:21

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