Freeware Bible Class Atlas/Maps Download

Bible Maps for Powerpoint Tabernacle Diagram for Powerpoint Aerial Map of Israel for PowerPoint

This atlas is a PowerPoint presentation of over 55 Bible maps and diagrams (new 2003 version). Many are based on NASA satellite photos. Over 300,000 copies of this free Bible Atlas have been distributed. You can download the BIBLE CLASS ATLAS PowerPoint slide show or if you don't have PowerPoint can view the images in the online version.

If you enjoy our freeware Bible Class Atlas, then please list our web site somewhere in your presentation materials and encourage others to visit our site. You don't have to say anything every time you use our material, just an occasional reference is fine. If you have time, please click on the graphic at the bottom of this page to vote for our site. Thanks for your help in supporting our site. We hope you enjoy the Bible Atlas images.


BIBLE CLASS MEGA PACK: 2100+slides, images and atlas pages



SPANISH (ESPANOL) VERSION - Atlas Didáctico de la Biblia

Download SPANISH (ESPANOL) VERSION - This version translated by Juan Carlos Salazar.


PORTUGUESE VERSION - Atlas Didático da Bíblia

Download PORTUGUESE VERSION. This version translated by Célio Augusto Machado.


FRENCH VERSION -Atlas pour études bibliques