Worship Software Reviews

Welcome to the most extensive list of worship software products on the web! On this page we offer a free link and feature summary of worship software products (over 40!) Contact us to get your worship software listed and let us know when features change so we can keep this list up to date.

Worship Software Selection Guide

Choosing worship projection software? This guide walks you step by step through the process of comparing and rating the right worship software program for your needs. Available as html, pdf and xls.

The worship software listed below is designed to be used with video projectors to display song lyrics, announcements, scriptures and other media during worship services. Unlike general presentation programs such as PowerPoint, these software programs are all specifically designed for worship displays. Most do song lyrics without music notes. Most are stand alone products but a few work as PowerPoint add-ons or may require you to own PowerPoint to function. See each website for specifics.

This company has a limited trial version of 70 songs to download. The full version has 1599 songs! (more being added each year.) NOTE: This software projects the MUSICAL NOTES not just the text!  Both shaped notes and conventional notation are available. These slides are NOT simply scanned in images from songbooks.  Each slide is made and designed for electronic presentation. It requires Microsoft PowerPoint to operate.

The publisher reports these features:

  • Projects both Lyrics and Music
  • Uses PowerPoint
  • Has Large Lyrics
  • Selection of older and newer hymns
  • CCLI not needed - copyrights are already paid
  • Easy to install and use
  • New artwork - not scanned
  • Shape Note music notation
  • Future volumes to be released
  • Both 4x3 and 16x9 formats available at no extra cost
  • Most popular version for displaying musical notes


eBibleTeacher SPECIAL !     Enter the code "eBible5%” for a 5% discount when ordering.


SPECIAL !     The Psalms were the ancient songbook of God's people.  The author of Paperless Hymnal has released a special unique "singing the Psalms" series called "The Timeless Psalter".  Check it out at:  http://www.timelesspsalter.com


ZionWorx is high-quality, affordable church presentation software that does its job with no fuss. It's feature-rich but incredibly easy-to-use. Even non-technical operators can be trained in minutes to control the basic functions with confidence.

It offers hassle-free video and audio playback, including motion backgrounds and live video inputs with text overlay. With an internet connection you also get free instant access to any Bible translation through a unique integration with BibleGateway.com.  Include sermons and notices in your presentations too, with seamless integration to Microsoft PowerPoint.

Download your 30-day free trial today and discover for yourself why Worship Leader Magazine recently gave it an Editor's Pick award!

Features include:

  • Modern and intuitive user interface, very easy to learn
  • Comprehensive support for all video and audio file formats, fully-integrated codecs
  • Easily import song data from a variety of sources including other popular worship presentation software
  • Fast searchable song database
  • Powerful theming engine
  • BibleGateway.com integration to access free Bible text
  • Easily package your whole presentation into a single file for transfer to another PC
  • Adaptive text layout engine dynamically supports any projector resolution
  • Configurable alert messages for nursery calls etc.
  • Song usage reports to help with CCLI submissions

Faithlife Proclaim is all about automation. Pick your background, type the words, and Proclaim’s automatic formatting takes over—adjusting the font, text color, and text size to fit your background. Start typing the title of a song, and Proclaim finds it in SongSelect and adds the lyrics to slides. Don’t use SongSelect? Proclaim adds your song slides to a custom database for you to use next time—so you never do the same work twice. Set the start and stop cues before the service, and Proclaim records your slides in sync with the audio. With a click, you can publish your sermon to your website. You can also find media from trusted brands in the media browser, create digital bulletins,take attendance and collect tithes, take live surveys, and more. Try it free for 30 Days. No credit card required.

Key Features:

  • Create as many accounts as you need and download Proclaim onto as many computers as you want (Mac and PC), all on one affordable subscription.
  • Automatically format your slides with Smart Media or create your own custom media templates to make your presentations look great every time.
  • Automatically record your sermon audio in sync with your slides, then edit and publish your sermons to the web, without additional software.
  • Work with your team on presentations simultaneously in Proclaim.
  • Access more than $1,000 in built-in church media, custom made for Proclaim.
  • Allow your congregation to use their mobile device for online giving, play Bible Trivia, download event information, surveys, and more.
  • Create digital church bulletins that automatically collect attendance information into a spreadsheet.
  • Discover church media from trusted brands like Graceway Media, CMG, Dan Stevers, Igniter, and more.
  • Send private messages to the stage through a confidence monitor, control the presentation from the stage with the Proclaim Remote app, display digital sign feeds or even control stage lighting!.
  • Connect to tools like SongSelect by CCLI, Planning Center Online, Graceway Media, and Logos Bible Software.



ProPresenter is an incredibly powerful Mac or Windows presentation and production package package built specifically to make it easy for your team to produce everything from simple lyric music presentations to high-quality live productions.  ProPresenter operators control a presentation on one screen, while dynamically affecting the visuals and lyrics experienced by an audience on one or more screens. ProPresenter was named a Reader's Choice Winner by Worship Leader Magazine, winning 71% of the total vote.  ProPresenter has become the choice of large and small churches all over the world with a presence in 89 of the largest churches in America as well as 9 of the top 10 church plants (per www.ChurchRelevance.com). Propresenter includes templates that allow you to quickly start creating professional presentations. Optional ProCloud enables you to sycnhronize an unlimited number of machines over the Internet. Edit on one machine and present on another. Available in English, Spanish, Korean and Portuguese.

    • Dynamically project Text (lyrics, scripture, etc.), Videos, DVD, Audio, Graphics, Websites, Countdowns, Nursery Calls, scrolling text, instagram and Twitter feeds with incredible ease (identical interfaces and features on both platforms)
    • Animated Text Fly-ins and Individual object transitions for exciting presentations that allow text and pictures to be separately cued
    • Built-in Scripture engine with fast look-up and custom display (over 50 Bibles available)
    • Telestrator feature allows presenter to use pen tool to live draw on screen during presentation
    • Song Select and Planning Center On-line integration for fast song look-up and importing
    • Advanced, customizable Stage Display (confidence monitor) for Pastor and band / choir to see slides, notes, clocks/timers, custom messages and preview window
    • Easy import and playback of both PowerPoint and video clips with support for DVD bookmarking and ripping
    • Optional Cloud feature for synchronization and collaboration over the Internet making media and song management simple across all systems
    • iOS/Android app interface which allow remote control of ProPresenter or a wireless version of the Stage Display over WiFi
    • Optional modules to extend functionality with advanced capabilities such as multi-screen display on 2 or 3 screens, Alpha Keyer, HD/SDI output, Edge Blending, Bezier line tool and control of multiple systems from one main computer

One of the most innovative and established worship software packages available. This company previously published "SongScreen". The publishers of Presentation Manager report the following features:

  • Control two projectors with the same or different presentations on each
  • Drag 'n' drop allows easy creation of service plans, Click 'n' show allows fast and easy on the fly service changes.
  • Play PowerPointR presentations from within the software seamlessly, operator sees a thumbnail image of slide.
  • Quickly find songs and bible passages with powerful searching abilities - great for on the fly service changes.
  • Supplied with songs, 1000 images and 5 or more versions of the bible.


This software has a lot of features not found in other packages. You can get it in several different editions from a worship planning version to a combined planning and projection software package. It has a lot of special support for printing music, click-to-play chords and instant transposition, etc. This software continues to go through EXTENSIVE improvements. Visit them at: http://www.worship-live.com/index_ebt.shtml.

  • Powerful worship leader tools include song library sort, search and filter and instant transposition
  • Musical tools including click-to-play chords, metronome, and automatic guitar fingering printouts
  • Easy import of CCLI song files and other text files, and integration with CCLI search tools
  • Project songs, scriptures, announcements, images, video clips, even PowerPoint (if installed), with thumbnails in the playlist
  • Parallel-project two Bible versions simultaneously - perfect for bilingual churches

One of the most popular worship software packages used by churches. This company has a free trial version to download.

The publisher reports these features:

  • Dual monitor support: Control the presentation completely independent of the projector display.
  • Site license install on as many computers as you need.
  • Rich media support: Display Song lyrics, Bible verses, announcements, sermon points, PowerPoint, pictures, video clips, audio clips, DVDs and DVD clips, CD tracks play-lists and random play, and Shockwave/Flash movies, all in one easy to use interface.
  • CD player, DVD player, and video clip player all have full control including volume.
  • Easily import songs from CCLI Song Select online, CCLI Song Select software, and Integrity Worship Software 3.0-3.5. Also features advanced whole-song-paste for importing songs from Word documents, text files, etc.

Church presentation software for both Windows® and Macintosh® OS X platforms. LiveWorship's has a graphical interface. Drag and drop controls. It's non-linear control uses slide thumbnail images that display with one click. A flexible database keeps all of your song lyrics, backgrounds, Bible translations, video, and music at immediately available. You can edit presentations "on-the-fly" so you never have to interrupt your presentation to add slides, change slides, fonts, backgrounds, and more.

According to the press release, this software is now free. The press release states: ". . . software that enables projection of songs, scripture, texts, etc, for all your meetings. And now we are giving it away! . . . "

This software comes with 1200 public domain songs when you register the free version and you only pay if you want the two monitor version. This software is based in the UK. If you have used this "free" software then please contact me with comments about your experience.

Database Software specifically for organizing your music, staff, presenters, programs, etc. This software is not for displaying songs but rather organizing. Has some neat features like auto-emailing people scheduled to be part of the service. An interesting feature is the ability to set one secure place on the Internet where worship team members can come to see the order of service, to listen and learn worship songs, to download chord charts or lyrics.

This is probably one of the most unique worship software products listed. It is HTML based software that can be used "on stage", either in single or dual monitor setup. Very suitable for spontaneous and free flowing-worship etc and can be controlled by the leader or performer if used in that setting. A unique feature is the ability to add a foot pedal to allow a performer to control the presentation "hands free". Another unique feature is the ability to show chords as well as user notes to the leader "on stage" without showing them to the audience.

With Freepath, increase the impact of your message to your congregation through dynamic, rich media presentations. Simply drag your PowerPoint slides and easily show them with music, video, images and websites. No need to create, upload or convert files.  A free trial is available. Features include:

  • Drag, drop and show!
  • Use your content "as is"
  • Easy to use
  • Play videos with PowerPoint
  • Autoplay and looping video


  • Free!
  • Preview panes showing slide as it will be shown on screen
  • Song location via text and title search
  • Slide editing including background selection during live displays
  • Congregation Alerts
  • Automatic production of song use history for CCL license

MediaShout for Mac is the highly-anticipated release from the makers of one of the most popular ministry presentation software on the Windows platform. MediaShout for Mac doesnʼt simply copy the interface from one OS to the other, but combines the features you need with the familiar interface and unique tools made just for Mac OS X, including built-in iTunes & iPhoto access, Quicklook previews & Spotlight searches.

  • The Basics: Song Lyrics, Bibles, Text, Audio, Graphics, PDF, Video, DVD, Keynote &more.
  • Simple Workspace: Designed exclusively for Mac OS X with Finder-based Decks, & preview monitors.
  • Drag-and-Drop Formatting: Easily change text margins and background placement.
  • Stage Display: A third display of large-format text perfect for your on-stage team.
  • iLife Integration: Direct access to your iTunes and iPhoto libraries..

Display song lyrics, scriptures, videos, announcements, and nursery alerts using multiple screens while simultaneously teleprompting and running foyer announcements. Features:

  • 1600+ preloaded songs.
  • 7 Versions of the Bible Including Spanish.
  • Nursery Alerts.
  • Separate Channel Teleprompting.

SongPro is a windows based song lyric and Bible display presentation system, designed to give ease of use and convenience in the planning and running of services. This software can be used in single screen or dual screen modes and has a non-linear control system - even follow the speaker's Bible references on the fly. SongPro features:

Includes "genlock" feature to allow switching overlay. Multiple Output Sources: enables users who have more than one output source (such as a video projector combined with monitors) to get the optimal picture on every screen, not just the "main" screen. Lots of song search features. This company has a trial version to download. Version 4.4 is now out.

PowerSong is completely free and open source unlike most other church presentation software.

Type or paste the text in the editor and WorshipCenter Pro creates all of the slides for you and displays them with professional transitions and effects. WorshipCenter Pro also features a built-in scripture database and support for Powerpoint, video files, images, Flash presentations and web pages.  Features include:

  • Point-and-click interface.
  • Text over video
  • 4,000 hymns included
  • Bible database
  • PowerPoint support
  • Dual-monitor support

AirStream from Seraphim Software is a product for creating, presenting and streaming your productions. Key features of AirStream are its extensive Cloud capabilities that means your users can access your content from anywhere on the Internet. Everything your team does is synchronized on the web and everyone is always on the same page and same version. Your whole team can share access to all of your group's media content through AirStream's Media Bin. Another cool feature of AirStream is that is allows your church members to view and interact with your services as if they were present. The content you create each week can be made available around the world 24 hours a day. - Cloud features allow your worship team to collaborate together across the web. - - Subscription based means all your staff is always using the current version. - 30 day Free trial

SlideGen makes it easy to create your Song Service presentations.  It differs from other presentation software in that the end-result of using SlideGen is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.  So if you are currently using Microsoft PowerPoint in your live church environment and you don't want to re-train your computer operators, SlideGen is the software for you.  Simply use SlideGen before the worship service (at home or at church) to create your PowerPoint file, then show the PowerPoint file as usual during the worship service (using Microsoft PowerPoint or PowerPoint V

This company has a free demo version. This is one of and maybe the most popular worship software packages available. This software supports dual displays. It allows you to choose from over 100 great, smooth transitions. It really is fairly easy to use. The product is well designed. It comes with the King James and American Standard versions for automatically displaying scriptures on the fly. It also comes with a variety of nice graphic backgrounds. The program automatically sizes the song lyrics and Bible text to best fit the screen and allows you to add font shadows and other features.

This company has a trial version to download. This software can run well on an older system. Includes CCLI support. It can be run in multimonitor mode if you wish. It uses text files for song lyrics.

This is a special add on for PowerPoint users. Features:

  • Special support for non-English fonts!
  • Quickly find hymns by number, topic, alphabetical index, and keyword
  • Customize appearance of all hymns by simply editing one template
  • Export All hymns to regular PowerPoint files with embedded fonts

MediaShout Version 4 combines time-saving tools and a streamlined workspace with the comprehensive list of features you've come to expect from a premier ministry presentation system used by over 50,000 organizations. From basic worship presentations to intricate multimedia experiences, Version 4 connects your creativity with powerful tools to communicate life's most important message.

  • The Basics: Song Lyrics, Bibles, Text, Audio, Graphics, Video, DVD, PowerPoint & more.
  • Simple Workspace: Create, Edit and Present with a streamlined interface perfect for volunteers & experts.
  • Drag-and-Drop Formatting: Easily change text margins and background placement.
  • Stage Display: A third display of large-format text perfect for your on-stage team.
  • PowerPoint Import: Convert PPT slides to formatted lyric, text and graphics.


Ministry Assistant is church management software that allows you easily keep track of all that is going on in your church or organization. Worship Assistant is a software tool for planning your worship services and present song lyrics using a video projector. Worship Assistant reports the following features:

Not just for song lyrics, this product also has features for projecting announcements, scriptures, video clips and sermon material. There are different versions of this software including controlling of PowerPoint presentations, nursery calls, etc. The basic version already includes the text of hundreds of songs and you only have to add in the songs that you want. The software supports the thousands of CCLI songs that can purchased separately. I found the program easy to use.

Worship Extreme is a free powerful product that allows the use of cloud based presentations that can even be controlled from your smartphone. Since it is cloud based you can work on it and collaborate with your team from any location. Some special features include the ability to poll the audience via their smart phones or tablets and the ability to offer a stage display to people on the stage to keep everyone on the same page. A unique software product. In many ways this looks like the future of worship software.

The one big difference between EasySlides and other presentation software is that EasySlides can display dual-language lyrics for use in bi-lingual churches, as in the case of many bi-lingual Chinese churches worldwide. It is also free.

PowerWorship is an add-in for enhancing Microsoft PowerPoint for worship. This software is now free!

OpenSong is a Free program for use in Worship Services. The author has this to say: "OpenSong is free software for managing chords and lyrics sheets, presenting lyrics using a projector, and much more! This software is great for musicians who are looking for a program that will help with chords, transposing, capo/non-capo notation, etc. Also, worship leaders will find some great extra features such as scripture integration and timed loops for running announcements before services." Features include:

Worship software specifically designed for planning and organizing your worship service.  This is not song display software.  “Planning Center Services” allows you to schedule workers and volunteers as well as do CCLI reporting.  A particular nice feature is the ability to store files online for everyone on your team to access.  This is an online subscription service with the key being that your whole team can stay better connected and organized.  All they need is a web browser and an internet connection.  For those that don’t have this you can print out what you need for them.  Online collaboration is the future of worship planning.

The company reports these features:

  • Planning Matrix – See all of your upcoming services side by side so that you will be able to see the songs, people and notes for each service and edit them with ease.
  • Online File Sharing – With up to 15 GB of storage you may easily distribute your music, sermon notes, PowerPoint and any other files that your team needs without worry about e-mail size limits
  • Chord Chart Transposing – Just copy and paste your chord charts into your song and identify what keys you want it in and they will automatically transpose it and generate a PDF for you.
  • Customizable – There are several places within Planning Center Online that you can customize to fit the needs of your church
  • Easy To Use – Elegant, easy, and web-based. You don't need to download, install, or configure anything (no IT department required!). All you need is a web browser and an internet connection.

Designed for worship bands. Music is displayed on screen instead of having to search through music books and folders. There is a foot pedal available for turning pages, which is done by one click. It can display sheet music, chord sheets, or both. Play lists can be set up. Audio files and performance notes can be attached to each song. Features include:

This company has a free demo version. Includes 600 worship songs including not only lyrics but chord chart and video text as well as a 20 second mp3 audio sample.

  • Display one verse at a time or display 2 verses at a time (for translated foreign language).
  • Over 200 custom graphic backgrounds.
  • Present "time looped" slide shows for announcements.
  • Laptop friendly - all keyboard driven (mouse driven also).

OpenLP is a Free, opensource program for use in Worship Services. The features include a Lyric Database, Bible Database, the ability to handle Powerpoint Presentations, MP3's, AVI's etc.

Includes a Song List Editor and Multiple Monitor Support.  Bookshelf component is used to manage, add and edit songs and groups of songs called books.  Songs are simply text files with a few special indicator flags to mark the beginning of new verses and the chorus.  Optionally, songs can include Guitar Chords.  Marietta allows for changing fonts and colors.   A free trial version is available.

ExpoSong is a free, opensource worship lyrics projection software for Windows and Ubuntu/Debian Linux.   For more information, visit the features page.

  • Lyric Presentation and  Text/Announcement Presentations
  • Automatic timer
  • Switch backgrounds during presentation
  • Import from OpenSong and SongSelect
  • English and German versions available

Free song display software from Great Britain. They have a free trial version.

GPL license free song projection software runs as Java software on Linux, Windows or Max.  Available in English, Brazilian Portuguese and German languages.

A new PowerPoint based worship software product that projects both words and notes on the screen. They have over 900 songs available but you must supply your own CCLI license.

This is a powerful presentation software for Apple Computers. Not specifically a worship software product.

A closed source free worship program with the ability to play almost an media format as well as display bible verses and songs. It also can run on almost any hardware. As long as it is at least the minimum windows specs.

Song Projector's user interface is accessible and understandable for all users, without limiting functionality for the more demanding user.

Worship software with the special feature of being able to smoothly scroll text.

Free Worship software from Sweden. Download and run!

This is not a regular worship software product. It is a specialty product designed for performers. Designed to fill a need for the performing artist working with recorded background music. Allows the performer to easily control background music as well as a built in prompter.

Not so much a worship software product as a product for instrumental bands that shows words, chords and even a metronome from a centrally controlled computer. Chord chart presentation software that can be used to display and transpose chord charts on multiple monitors on stage and eliminate paper copies and song binders.

If your church is committed to using PowerPoint and has hundreds or thousands of slides, this product is designed to create an automatic searchable database of your slides and then allows you to drag and drop the slides into your presentation. This software is not specifically designed for churches but has an obvious use for churches that have put all their song and scripture slides on PowerPoint and now have lots of slides. It is a PowerPoint plug-in and adds right into your PowerPoint menu bar.

Church Music Organiser is a Microsoft Windows-based computer program designed to help small to medium-sized churches organise their congregational music.

It's for Linux only, not Mac or PC. It's free/Open Source software. Uses mysql or sql lite. Precue auxiliary package allows web based front end to access the database over the internet or LAN. Allows multiple playlists, etc.

VerseVIEW is a free Bible verse presentation software showing multiple verses side by side on a project screen. It is also useful for people reading Bible in multiple languages.