Paperless Hymnal Review

This company has a limited trial version of 70 songs to download. The full version has 1599 songs! (more being added each year.) NOTE: This software projects the MUSICAL NOTES not just the text! Both shaped notes and conventional notation are available. These slides are NOT simply scanned in images from songbooks. Each slide is made and designed for electronic presentation. It requires Microsoft PowerPoint to operate.
The publisher reports these features:
- Projects both Lyrics and Music
- Uses PowerPoint
- Has Large Lyrics
- Selection of older and newer hymns
- CCLI not needed - copyrights are already paid
- Easy to install and use
- New artwork - not scanned
- Shape Note music notation
- Future volumes to be released
- Both 4x3 and 16x9 formats available at no extra cost
- Most popular version for displaying musical notes
eBibleTeacher SPECIAL ! Enter the code "eBible5%” for a 5% discount when ordering.
SPECIAL ! The Psalms were the ancient songbook of God's people. The author of Paperless Hymnal has released a special unique "singing the Psalms" series called "The Timeless Psalter". Check it out at: