The story of Moses as a baby and how he was hid in the reeds in the Nile river. Pharaoh's daughter finds him in the river and adopts him into the king's palace.
These activities books and graphics are FREE for use by families and non-profit organizations at home, school or church but may not be copied to other websites without written permission.
Children love for teachers to tell them a story. Tell you students the Bible story using the printed story books or displaying the story on your iPad or tablet. Pick out and print the pages from the activity books that are appropriate for your class.
Lesson Activities, Worksheets and iPad/Tablet Storybook:

Download the Flip Chart in PDF version above or PowerPoint Slideshow format below for iPad, tablet or video projector:
Children's Bible Story Images:
Individual images for teacher use. Click on the thumbnails to view the full size image.
Baby Moses Cover Page
Welcome to the Lessons of Love children’s series as provided with love by the church of Christ in Carbondale, Illinois. These lessons and illustrations were created using paper flip charts and colored markers.
Baby Moses Flip Chart Cover Page
You can print these out from PowerPoint and use as regular flip charts. Print the illustrations on one side of the paper and the notes on the other. You can also simply present them from your computer. These lessons are copyrighted but are provided free for your use. You may use them as long as you don’t charge money for them. If you wish to use them in a commercial project them email Terry Taylor for permission.
Working in Egypt
At the close of the book of Genesis Joseph dies at 110 years of age in the land of Egypt. His descendants and the other descendents of Jacob continue to live in the land of Egypt in favor with the Pharaoh and all Egyptians. When the book of Exodus opens the descendants of Jacob have multiplied over the years until they are a mighty nation. Now a new King arose who did not know Joseph and who feared the great number of the sons of Israel. He sent the sons of Israel into the land of Goshen into the bondage of slavery. The Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to work hard and they made their lives bitter.
Pharaoh ordered by Hebrews boys killed at birth.
The king was so afraid of the might of the sons of Israel that he ordered only girl babies of the Hebrews be allowed to live. He ordered that all boy babies be killed. The mothers were very sad.
Jochebed makes a basket for Moses.
A Hebrew woman who had a daughter named Miriam had a son and she hid him from the Egyptians for three months. When he became too big to hide any longer she made a wicker basket which she covered with tar and pitch.
Jochebed Floats Moses in a Basket.
Then she put the baby in it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. She left her daughter, Miriam, to watch from hiding what happened to the baby.
Pharoah's Daughter Finds Moses
Miriam went to the Pharaoh's daughter and said, “May I go and get one of the Hebrew women to take care of the baby for you?” They princess said she could so Miriam ran home and got the real mother. So the baby was adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter, but was cared for by his real mother.
Pharaohs Daughter Adopts Moses.
The child grew up in the house of the Pharaoh and he was called Moses which means “drawn from the water.”
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